Know the causes and ways of handling cramps when you swim

        There are so many opinions stating the cause of cramps while swimming. Most experts refer to the lack of warming before Swim. Conditions are not yet ready to move the body is forced to perform heavy movement. The result is that muscle fatigue that results in cramps.

       Cramps can also occur due to diet False. Feeding activity must end at least 2 hours before swimming. This is done in order to complete the task intestines digest food. The process also requires energy to digest food. When this process is done while swimming, the body will expend a lot of energy as do two activities at once. At the time Swimming, abdominal muscles contract, but in the stomach is filled with undigested food. This is what causes the onset of cramps in the abdominal muscles. To avoid cramps, you should stop the consumption of food 2 hours before swimming and warm taste.
       Handling cramps on land and in the water actually has the same principle that is stretching. The steps that must be done when the cramping is:

  1. Be calm and do not try to edge
  2. Breathe in and hold
  3. Stretch and massage the cramping muscle
  4. Do not do anything except stretching movements (although our bodies sink)
  5. Inhale again, then stretch again
  6. Repeat until the pain subsides
  7. After subsides then swim back to shore, try not to use muscles that had cramps
  8. Having done by the back stretch to the muscle feels comfortable
       There are two main positions to stretch in the water (for the muscles in the lower extremities), namely:

Position 1: Bend your knees toward your chest and pull the toes and foot to foot. This position is to overcome cramps in the calf muscles and the back of the thigh muscles
Position 2: Bend the thigh to the back, bend your knees, pull the toes and instep towards the foot. This position is to overcome muscle cramps on the back foot and the front of the thigh muscles
       Train handling techniques cramps in this water, because in the event of cramps that we need is a spontaneous movement without thinking, so as to avoid panic.

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