7 Psichology Fact of Early Risers

1. Make people more successful
A study in 2008 conducted at Texas University found that students who often wake up in the morning to have a higher value on their GPA compared with students who like to stay up and rarely wake up in the morning.

2. People who get up early happier
Happy here does not mean happy within 15 minutes after waking up, but make someone happier mood in general every day. Research shows that older people tend to be happier than younger children because they are more likely to get up early. While young children and adults who often work and play until late at night, and rarely get up early to have a worse mood every day.

3. It has a body that is healthy and fit
Wake up in the morning to make people more eager to exercise and breathe fresh air. Of course, this makes their body more fit and healthy. Most successful people have a habit of waking up in the morning. Sports and breath of fresh air in the morning can improve your mood and give you energy to move.

4. More productive
Waking up in the morning makes a person more productive. this is because the people who get up early to have time to prepare for a job, while others are still asleep. They have a quiet time and are well used to concentrate. A study conducted by a professor of biology at the University of Education in heidelberg found that people who get up early to have more energy.

5. Make more mentally healthy and positive
People who get up early to have a better mood and mental are more optimistic. They are also more easily satisfied. Meanwhile, the people who used to wake up at night and sleep in the morning, although associated with intelligence and creativity, are likely to have a negative mood such as feeling depressed and pessimistic.

Of course, not everyone can wake up the morning. It could be the work force people wake up night and sleep in the morning. But if you want to get the benefits of the above, you should start getting used to get up early, or at least taking the time to wake up in the morning.

6. Fresh air lower stress and increase happiness

Walking in the garden filled with greenery will increase endorphins and oxytocin (the hormone of happiness, red). Fresh air oxidation plants may refresh the lungs from air pollution. Green scenery is also able to give a feeling of relaxed and away from the stress. Try to take your time to read a book, walk or just sit quietly calm the mind in the middle of lush gardens and shady.

7. Make you happy
Researchers from Roehampton University in the UK also concluded that up early to make the body more healthy, good mood, and make people have the ideal body mass index. "Those who get up in the morning tend to be healthier and happier," said researcher Dr. Joerg Huber, cited by Medicmagic.
Familiarize yourself waking up in the morning also affect body mass index associated with opportunities breakfast. People who wake up in the morning tend to have enough time for breakfast so that food intake is controlled.
If you do not have breakfast, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. This condition will only make a person eat in a large portion of the day and night. So, for those of you who want to slim down, do not ever skip breakfast.

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