Fix The Some Problem In Doing Sport

     Now, we will inform you how to overcome the injury as well as ways how you can avoid these injuries.Sport Lovers and injuries can not be separated even though never be friends. Not only boxers or other hard sport category , walking exercise any potential risks, such as tripping to dislocate.

      How often you see your comrades who love fitness, indoor soccer, cycling, came into office with a limp,foot swollen or bruised, until hand sprain?

       We try to formulate some injuries are most often experienced during exercise such as walking, running, until the weight training. Furthermore,classify of the type of sport and injuries that may occur and solutions.

       Usually occurs in all parts of the wrists and feet. This condition occurs because of an error coordinating body, the burden is too heavy, or it could be due to the lack of heating. Body sweating is an indication that the muscles, bones tendons, ligaments, ready to exercise.

       So moral message, sweat it before you give 100 percent of your ability in the gym. On the track, soccer, volleyball, possibility of a sprained ankle is very large, especially when you lose your balance and your legs are not perfect landing.

       When weight training, this injury is common when the pedestal is less than perfect body while lifting weights, especially if the load is lifted too heavy.The characteristics dislocate usually if you feel any pain when twisting the wrists and feet, or when it is in certain positions.

Solutions :

       If you are still able to walk and move the hand, then maybe you are not too severe injury. Do RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) immediately when you are at home. If the pain is lost or reduced, it means you are a light injury. But if the pain is getting into and swelling, then you should immediately go to an expert physiotherapist.

2. Muscle Cramps
       Abdomen, legs and feet are the most frequently muscle cramps experience , although not ruled parts of the body are also experienced.Areas affected by sudden stiffness and pain caused by muscle contraction (shortening) or spasm. The attacks were swift and surprising though usually harmless. Cramps occur because the body fall short of salt so that the muscle shortage of water reserves (remember the binding salt water).Cramps can also occur due to the lack of heating and stretching or you are lifting too heavy. Athlete are prone to cramps are cyclists, martial arts, football players, and the lifter.

       Characteristics of muscle cramps usually affected area hard driven and suddenly felt sick. Sometimes accompanied by abnormal muscle lumps.

Solutions :

       According to experts physiotherapist you need to do first is to break. Then drink water mixed with salt. Not bad indeed, but this could be the best option when there is cramping. If you are reluctant to drink salt water, please drink the liquid electrolyte. The most effective way to overcome cramps is to rest completely and reduce the burden of training.

3.Back Pain
       Often experienced fitness enthusiasts or sport that requires you to sit for a long time. The cause of back pain is excessive burden or load accumulated in a long time can no longer be tolerated by the waist. Can also occur due to a sudden movement which rests on the waist muscles.

        This condition usually has characteristics; the emergence of pain when moving the waist both when bent, move it to the side or to the left.

Solutions :

        Wear thermal coatings, such as patches. The researchers said the use of coatings, heat behind a shirt every day can reduce pain by 25 percent. Experts believe the coating can improve the elasticity of muscle tissue, as well as stimulating blood flow net towards the sick body.

       When you can not use coatings, rub the sick with liniment containing capsaicin-material made into a spicy pepper or chili.

       Back pain when exercising, especially due to your negligence when lifting a heavy load-deadlift for example.

"You should try to use as little as possible the axis of the body when lifting the rancid," said the expert physiotherapist Michael Clark in the US.

source : with change

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