6 Step to Build a Online Shop

1. Start Through Social Media
       For beginners online business, it is recommended to maximize the use of social media primarily Facebook. Usefulness, to increase brand awareness and attract customers. Moreover, you are active facebook users who have a lot of friends. These tips are very suitable for you who like facebook, because the people you know will recognize your product marketed quickly.
     Online business is easy, but it needs to be a strategy behind it as well. For example, there are just starting an online business, you should first try on Facebook because no matter what Facebook was still a lot of fans.
     After Facebook began to Blogspot possible, continue to do not forget there is also a social media we can manfaatin, namely Twitter. For starters, create awareness on Twitter could use a buzzer, a lot of people who twitter followers can we love our products to him to be promoted.

2. Don't Spamming
       The use of social media should be done wisely. Avoid doing spammingyang finally make people upset. This is very important because it relates to comfort people in the surf on social media, especially Facebook through "tag" photos or ads or twitter through "follback" so do any advertise your products to people you do not know, because everyone would have different perceptions on the type of type of advertising in social media and also do not let your product name tarnished because such a trivial thing.

3. Be Wise
    Way of promotion must be wise and do not interfere. Choose the appropriate customers with your products when you are promoting your product to the public.

4. Must Complete Information
     When creating an online business, you need to display information about the product as much as possible. This is because the customer can not touch or try the product. For example, an online business that sells clothes. There is a good idea to write the type of material, size dress length, width of clothes, as well as other details so that buyers do not feel cheated when getting the goods and although buyers have not seen or received the goods, the buyer already has an idea of ​​the product he wants.

5. Photos with Good Quality
     Photos are a key element in online business. Photos with poor quality can make the buyer feel uncomfortable, not to mention the differences in color of the product while in the photo with the original product. Do not get just because photos are not makslimal, you received the title cheater for selling goods that are not in accordance with the wishes of the buyer. You do not need to use a camera that features exorbitant, quite a camera that has a 3.5MP resolution, then the product can already well recognized.

6. Try to Use Model
      Photos by using the model look more alive, especially for an online shop that sells clothing. By using the model, so the buyer can estimate whether the product when used in accordance with her or not, can they see on the model shown. In addition, an appropriate model can make selling products seem more exclusive and attractive. But if you can not afford to hire professional models, look for other alternatives to the use of resources sober, which is important nonetheless showed complete professionalism of your products.

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