Hello Guys, in this moment , we will share for you are about a good food for diabetics well this time I will share knowledge to my friend all about good food for diabetics, now for my friend who speckle know what it is diabetes, please read this first - diabetes -, following some good food for people diabetes. let's read bro !
- Have a great antioxidant content
- Having a dietary fiber content (antioxidant)
- Contains Vitamin C
- Contains flavonoids (antioxidants)
- Improve the immune system
- berkolestrol low
- Improving glucose control
- Improving insulin sensitivity
- Lower risk of heart disease
2. Cranberry

Scientific fact that there are at Cranberry namely:
- Attacking the antioxidant vitamin C disease
- Prevent urinary tract infections
- Protect from breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer
- Protects from liver disease
- anti-Inflammatory
- Reduce the risk of periodontal disease (diseases associated with dental)
3. Apples

Scientific fact that there is the apple that is:
- Has a soluble fiber content
- Slows the digestion of carbohydrates
- Reduce the absorption of glucose
- Can make a stimulation of the pancreas
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
4. Type - the type Melon / Watermelon
Scientific facts that exist in watermelon are:
- Contains vitamins A, B8, and C is high
- Protect against cancer
- Good for People with low blood pressure disease
- Improving insulin sensitivity
While the scientific fact that there are at melon namely:
- High content of vitamin C
- Repair and maintain blood pressure
And for scientific fact that there are at Rockmelon / rock melon namely:
- High potassium content
- Contains antioxidants beta carotene
- fibrous
- Contains vitamin C
- containing folate
- Containing niacin / statin
- Can lower the risk of heart disease
- Encouraging lung health
- Low risk on age-related macular degeneration
Scientific fact that there are at Raspberry namely:
- fibrous
- Contains vitamin C is high
- Have antioxidants that are good for bone and skin health
- react to anti-cancer
- Preventing heart disease
- Protect from disease macular degeneration
may be useful for you guys
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